Your Guide to Getting Paid to Blog

Are you pining to exercise your blogging muscles? Contrary to popular beliefs, blogging fulltime or as a professional does not have to be a pain in the derriere; it can mature into a lucrative venture, one that’ll allow you time with the family, while working on your personal blog.

Sure, that does sound like a lot of work, but eluding those $5 per post gigs is a start to getting your business where it should be. There are companies on the market waiting to pay a pretty penny for your work, you just have to find them.

The Art of Getting Paid to Blog

Nothing is free! I just had to put that out there. To see results and rejoice in your labour, you have to get accustomed to doing hard work. Let me explain. You won’t get paid to blog, unless you get your posterior off that couch and get things done. This is not a charitable organization. So… how can you actually use the art of getting paid to blog to your advantage and source good clients, those who are willing to pay for your blogging adroitness?

Create Engagement

create engagement
Create engagement, don’t just write! Many bloggers are just ‘writing’, but you need to stand out and shine. You might not have a world of blog entries up on your blog, but that does not deter clients from valuing your skills. Consider your blog entries as an online portfolio. It is that location you’ll send clients just in case they want to peruse your work. Make your blog posts exciting and your website could pay for itself.

Choose Your Target

Does that even make sense? Yes it does. Every business, online or off, has a target audience in view or the people they wish to market to. You should view your blog in a similar light. Select the clients you want to work for. Are you adept in composing legal pieces? Great! Target lawyers and publications that are willing to accept your legal advice through blog entries. After locating your target, do extensive research to see who’s willing to pay big.

Put Yourself Out There

Promote, promote and promote! That should be your tool in getting clients. Social media and forums are great avenues to hang out. Connect with other users and be proactive. A passive voice won’t cut it. You can also target your prospects directly. For example: You can compose blog posts that are particularly of interest and share with them via LinkedIn, email or through any other mode of contact.

Your Paid Blogs Will Get you Paid

Your Guide to Getting Paid to BlogOnce you’re blogging on reputable sites, you’ll likely be approached by others who are willing pay. In fact, your paid blogs can bring you steady and reliable gigs. To pep up your efforts and encourage other gigs, consider using your byline and link to your blog. Prospects will know how to reach you.

Network with Important Blogs

You have to put your skills out there. A fine and effective way to get that done is to link with other paying blogs. Leave clear and precise comments on those blogs. Occasionally, you should make attempts to link back to your blog post but don’t become a spammer.

Your paid blog journey won’t always be smooth, but once you have a good system in place, things should go well.

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