Awesome Blog Name Ideas – How to Name Your Blog

If you have thought about starting a blog, you may be stuck on a name for your blog. While you may have wanted to name it something cheeky and cute, you may have come across a common problem – the domain name is not available. When you sit and brainstorm ideas, do not be discouraged when you have more names on your “throw out” list than you do on your “implement” list.

Below, we will go over some tips and suggestions to help you name your blog. You will find that these tips help steer you down the right path and in no time, you should have an awesome name for your blog.

What is the topic and purpose of your blog?

blog name ideas
Prior to naming your blog, you need to think about a couple of things first. The first thing to keep in mind is what is your blog going to be about and what is the purpose of it? If you plan to have a blog about food, you do not want to name it, “Mom’s with Kids Who Love Toys.” Your blog name needs to be related to the topic that you plan to blog about. This will help readers identify you when they are searching for a blog to read.

After all, would you navigate to, “Nerds Against the World,” if you were looking for recipes for your next family meal? Probably not.

What type of tone do you want?

Next, think about the tone you plan to have with your blog? When you head over to a website such as WebMD, you do not expect to read humorous posts on their blog, right? You expect the blog to be professional and have a serious tone.

If you want your blog to have a casual and humorous tone, then you can add some humor into your name too. For example, if you have a crafting blog, you could name it something such as, “Not So Crafty Mom.” Here, you would be able to talk about your craft projects and the not so good ones too. You can play around with your articles, add humor to them, and be much more relaxed.

Examples of famous blogs for ideas

Below, we will cover some well-known and famous blogs that once started out just like you. If you find any of these blogs inspirational, consider the names of them and the content they talk about. If you are still looking for some ideas, try out a name generator or even take a look at Google and try combining some terms together until you have a name for your blog.

Confessions of a homeschooler

This is a blog about a mom who homeschools her children. She takes you on the perilous journey of how her days start and end. From summer fun to days in home room, you will have a good time reading this blog.

Serious eats

If you are serious about eating, then Serious Eats is the blog for you. This blog provides you with recipes, information about food and much more. Your mouth will water as you browse through the blog.

Six Sisters Stuff

These six sisters are on a mission to provide you with humor, fun, and delicious recipes. You will love all of their family meals, desserts, and more. While there is no “food” in their blog name, they keep true to the name and all six sisters pitch in and have a grand time.

Naming your blog is more than just coming up with a simple name. Remember, keep it relevant to the topic and purpose of your blog and make sure you choose a name that really represents you.

Ready with your blog name? Setup your brand new blog in 20 minutes!

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