How to Decide Where to Blog

If you are new to the blogging world, then you may have a pressing question on your mind and that is “Where do I blog?” This is a questions that haunts all newcomers, but it is one that is easy to answer and it also leaves a choice for you to make. There are many blogging platforms, but before you go and get lost in which ones to use, there are four main ones to consider and those four are WordPress, Tumblr, Blogger, and Medium.
where should I blog

WordPress: Pros and Cons

WordPress is one of the most popular sites for bloggers because there is a free and paid version and because you have full control of your creativity and design of your blog.

Pros of WordPress:

  • You can choose from many different themes
  • Controlling and updating your content is easy
  • You can add an e-commerce store
  • SEO is integrated into the site with plugins
  • Many plugins to enhance your site
  • Built in blogging platform

Cons of WordPress:

  • Can be difficult to manipulate themes at times
  • You may need help from a designer if you insist on an exact look that you want

Tumblr: Pros and Cons

Tumblr has been active since 2007 and many people have used it to share their personal stories, media, and even more serious posts. This platform uses short form blogs and may be the right choice for you.
How to Decide Where to Blog

Pros of Tumblr:

  • Easy to use and simple
  • Quick to setup and post your first blog
  • Has a visual appeal
  • Allows you to post all types of content

Cons of Tumblr:

  • Minimal control over formatting
  • You cannot self-host your blog
  • There are not many additional features

Blogger: Pros and Cons

Blogger is another platform you can use for blogging and this is a popular platform offered by Google. As always, there are some pros and cons to using it.

Pros of Blogger:

  • Integrated with Google services
  • Many people use this platform
  • Easy interface
  • No need to know CSS or HTML
  • Great platform for beginners

Cons of Blogger:

  • Not as sophisticated as other options
  • Features are a bit lacking
  • Minimal content adjustment options

Medium: Pros and Cons

Medium is Twitter’s blogging platform and was first presented in 2013 to the public. It has grown in popularity and is considered a good option for those who want to blog.
How to Decide Where to Blog

Pros of Medium:

  • Help is available when you need it
  • Has great SEO components to help your blog rank in searches
  • Easy to use and read
  • Has built in analytics for you to track

Cons of Medium:

  • No custom domain names for you to use
  • You have to have a Twitter account
  • No customization options to choose
  • Minimal features all around

If you are looking for a place to blog, the four options above are some of the best platforms in 2016. You will find that each platform has its own pros and cons, but depending on your needs, one of these platforms may be a better fit for you and your needs.

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