How to Blog on Google

If you have decided that you want to blog, you may not know which platform to use. There are many different platforms to experiment with, but many new bloggers like to use Google to do all of their blogging. For starters, Google offers a FREE publishing tool known as Blogger. You can use this platform as much or as little as you want and, the best part is that is it completely free of charge.

Below, we will go over the steps you need to take to start your blog on Blogger. Once you are ready to start, simply follow the outlined steps.

Step 1: Create Your Account on Blogger

How to Blog on Google The very first step in the process is to simply create an account on Blogger. Before you can create your account, you will need a username and password. The easiest way to get one is to simply create an account through Gmail and use this.

Once you have created your Gmail account, you can then log in to Blogger and start to navigate your way around and learn the platform.

Step 2: Think of a Name for Your Blog

How to Blog on Google

The next step in the process is to think of a name for your blog. This may seem like a difficult task, especially if you do not know what you plan to blog about. It helps to think of a topics or themes for your blog first and then think of a name related to your topic choice.

Step 3: Choose Your Theme

You now will need to choose a theme for your blog. This is a preference choice and will not necessarily affect your blog. You should choose a template that meets your needs.

Step 4: Create Your First Post

How to Blog on GoogleNow that you have chosen a name and theme, it is time to create your very first blog post. To do this, you will need to navigate to the Blogger dashboard and then click on the pencil that says new post.

From here, you will be able to enter in your post or start to type a new post here. It is important that you choose content that is unique and related to your blog. You will find that the more unique and special the content is; the more followers you will receive.

As you start to blog, you should think about questions that your readers would want answered or advice that your readers would like to receive. From here, you can generate more content ideas as you go.

Step 5: Manage Your Blog

Now that you have created one or several blog posts, you will be able to easily see them and manage them to ensure your viewers can see them and read them.

It is important that once you start a blog that you work hard to make sure you can maintain it and keep up with it. If you start to slack when it comes to posting, you will find that many of your followers will choose to look at other blogs and forget about yours.

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