How to Blog on Instagram

If you are getting started blogging on Instagram, congratulations. You have started your journey toward reaching new followers and creating loyal readers who come to your blog daily. It is important that before you start to blog on Instagram, you understand how to and what it is about. For example, Instagram is made up of mostly pictures, so it is unlike Facebook where you can type out information about your blog.

Below, we will look at the ways you can successful blog on Instagram while appealing to your target audience.

Post Images about Your Blog or Topic

You want to make sure that you take the time to post images that are about your blog or the topic you plan to write about. What we mean by this is that if you are writing a post about the best toys for toddlers in 2016, you do not want to post a picture of a beach with a surfer on the waves. These two things have nothing in common and your readers will wonder what they are even looking at.

Now, the picture of the surfer on the beach would work if you were talking about great spots to visit in California. Remember, you should take and use pictures that are relevant to what your blog or blog topic is about.

Share Pictures of Yourself and Your World

How to Blog on Instagram In addition to showing off pictures of what your blog is about, you also want to show off pictures about you and your life. For example, if you see a beautiful sunrise over your home on Sunday morning, take a picture of it and share it with the world.

You are more than just a blog. You are a human and you experience reality just like your readers, so remind them of that and allow them to enter into your world now and then.

Add Quotes or Sayings to Your Pictures

Since Instagram is just about pictures, you do not have room to write much. Therefore, make sure you add some interesting quotes or information to the pictures you post. For instance, if you plan to have a giveaway, make sure that you post something about it on one of your pictures. This way, you can drive people to your blog.

How to Blog on InstagramUse Hashtags

Always use hashtags. Instagram is a great place to use them and you will find that many people like the clever tags you come up with. In addition, readers can find your pictures based on the hashtags you used.

Comment and Reply to Comments

You should post thoughtful comments not only on your images, but also on other bloggers images. This will help promote your name and also show that you care. Oh, and don’t forget to reply to your readers and other bloggers who comment on your photos.

If you plan to blog on Instagram, you want to make sure that you follow the above tips and post more than just a photo or two now and again. It may take a bit longer for you to get followers on Instagram, but once you do, they are likely to remain loyal and visit your page daily.

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