What is the “Alt” Text for Images and What is the Use of It?

If you have ever placed a picture on your website or blog, you have likely seen a section that allows you to enter in a description of the photo, a title, and alt text. But, what exactly is this alt text stuff? If you do not know, do not panic. Many people have no idea what this section means and they simply leave it blank or say they will come back to it when they understand what it is.

The alt text is a section that allows you to enter in information about the picture that will allow a search engine to understand what the image is about. This information also allows other people to find the image in a sea of pages simply by typing in the alt text wording or keywords from the alt text.

Let’s take a look at what the alt text is really used for and how you can improve your website simply by adding something into that box.

Alt Text: What to Know

First, before you do anything else, take a deep breath and relax. The alt text is not as serious as you may be thinking right now. For the most part, the alt text only needs to be a sentence or so about the picture.

What is the “Alt” Text for Images and What is the Use of It?When it comes time to write in this section, think about it like a simple tweet. If you use Twitter, you are used to writing a short and succinct description of an event or thing. Use this and create a simple and succinct description of the photo that you have just uploaded.

Now, look at the image yourself and think of words that pop into your head about it. Maybe the colors are vibrant, bold, or relaxing. Use these words in your alt text to describe the image.

Also, a good way to write text for the image is to describe the image to someone who cannot see it. You have to explain it only to them and make sure they understand what it is. Do this with your words.

Benefits of the Alt Text

What is the “Alt” Text for Images and What is the Use of It?You may be thinking that you want to simply skip the alt text altogether at this point, but before you do, know that it does offer you some benefits.

For example, your alt text can increase traffic to your website. When users type in keywords on Google, they will be able to find your site simply because of your keywords in the alt text.

Next, you will receive a higher SEO ranking on Google. This means that people will be able to see your site up higher on the list when they search for relevant terms.

Alt text is an important part of your SEO for your website. While many people simply skip over it, you do not want to do this. Of course, practice is needed and you may need to rewrite the alt text a couple of times before you like it, but with practice comes perfection.

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