How to Start a Food Blog and Make Money

Are you passionate about food? Do you love to cook? Have you thought about starting your own food blog and making money while doing it? If so, let’s do it!

A food blog can definitely draw in droves of people. Hey, everyone loves food, especially if you are blogging about a particular type of food such as desserts, Italian family meals, gluten-free options and similar.

Food is one of those things that brings people together and when someone does not know how to cook an item or dish, they instantly check cookbooks and the Internet for help. If you have a love for food, then you should start a blog. Below, we will go over some ways that you can start a food blog and also make money at it. Who doesn’t love the sound of that?
how to build a food blog and make money

Are You Passionate About Food and Cooking?

How to Start a Food Blog and Make MoneyWhen you first have the idea to start a monetized food blog, you may think it seems like the best idea in the world. While it is a good idea, it takes a lot of work and you will find that you may quickly tire from it, if you are not properly prepared.

Our best recommendation for you is that unless you are passionate about food and cooking, do not start a blog about it. If you are passionate about it, then AWESOME!

You have to have the drive and will to succeed. If you do, you will make it, but remember, nothing comes without a bit a hard work and some slow, no money coming in nights.

Homemade Recipes from YOU

If you enjoy cooking out of the cookbook that sits next to you on the table, you may have a hard time starting a food blog and earning money from it. In fact, you should not use other people’s recipes to write your blog.

You need to have recipes that are YOURS. Ones that you have created and ones that you know how to execute without any problems. Anyone can simply turn the pages in a cookbook and create the recipe that is written down on paper, but not everyone can create your Grandma’s Meat Pie.

You should do all preparations by yourself and write down the steps that you take and the instructions for others to follow. Remember, you are the only one who knows how to cook YOUR food, so until you write the recipe down and share it, no one else can replicate it.

When you do write down your recipes, make sure to include the measurements and any tips to help people make the recipe easier. For example, if you make the pie dough fresh for your Grandma’s Meat Pie, you can add in a tip that your readers can use additional flour to prevent the dough from sticking to the table. These types of tips will help beginners and you will seem like an expert in the field.

More Than Just a Recipe

There are enough recipes on the Internet and you should avoid just posting one recipe after the other on your blog. You can spice up your blog by adding a story before the recipe or you can talk about what the recipe reminds you of. The more you share with others, the more receptive they will be, and the more they will visit your blog.


If you want to have a boring food blog, then you do not need to add any type of visual media, but if you want your blog to pop to your readers, add a visual everything.

What we mean by this is that you should take pictures of your recipes and the steps you take for the recipe. For example, if you are making meatloaf, take a picture of all the ingredients lined up, then take a picture of the meat in the bowl with the seasonings added on top, then a picture of you kneading the meat and mixing everything up together. Pictures help people visualize and see what the recipe should look like step by step.

Another great idea is to post the video of you creating the recipe. You can make an entire recipe on video or you can even create a video that shows your readers how to do something difficult. For example, separating an egg yolk from the egg white is often difficult for people, which means you could create a video in which you show people how to do it properly.
Build a youtube channel using the videos. Youtube is an awesome source of traffic!

Make Your Food Blog Personal

The more personal your food blog is, the more readers who will connect with you. It helps to talk about your past and your current life situation. Like we mentioned above, you should tell a story when you are delivering a recipe to your audience. People want to learn more about you and they want to connect with you as a person.

Hosting Your Blog and a Domain Name

Once you have decided a food blog is the way to go, you will need to get a domain name that represents your blog and then find hosting for the domain. When you select a hosting service, the first thing to consider is the reliability, quality and of the hosting service. SiteGround Web hosting is the best we have found so far.

WordPress is often the go-to self-hosted source for most bloggers because it has many customizable features, free themes, and you can easily monetize your blog when on WordPress.

Just 20 minutes and you will be ready to post to your own food blog

Just follow this step by step guide:
create your own blog 1

Get Traffic to Your Food Blog

All websites need traffic; the more, the better. There are a number of options both free and paid. The paid options include promotional ads on social media platforms and ads through Google AdWords.

There are FREE options for advertising and traffic, which includes showcasing your recipes and pictures of your food on Pinterest and Instagram. The more pictures and content you post on these platforms, the more users who will click over to your site to see more.

The other way to get lots of traffic is Search Engines like Google and Bing. You have to learn the fundamentals of Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Here is a guide for you to start with: How to get my website on Google

Once you have enough people heading to your site, you can then place pay-per-click ads and recommended products on your site. When people click on them, you can earn money. The more traffic you have, the more clicks and money you will make.

Be Active

Lastly, you want to make sure that you are active on your food blog. You should post content regularly, but you should also be active on your blog, on other blogs, and in the community. The more you interact with others, the more they will respond to you and come back.

If you want to start a food blog and make money while doing it, check out the tips above. Blogging is difficult, but if you keep at it and learn to do it right, you will have a bunch of followers in no time at all.

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