Wedding Website Examples

Congratulations on the wedding. Are you ready for this big and exciting day? If so, you have probably thought about a wedding website, but even if you are not prepared, you have likely considered some type of website to keep your friends and family excited for the big day.

Of course, designing a website for any occasion or company is a challenge and there are some roadblocks that you may bump into along the way. When it comes to your personal wedding website, you need to make sure that you include all relevant info and that you keep your friends and family up to date.

Below, we will go over some wedding website examples that we think illustrate a great wedding website and we hope that you will be able to use these ideas to create your own.


Wedding Website Examples The above website, Judie and Z, is a great example of a wedding website. This site displays a beautiful background image of the couple and the date of the wedding is front and center. When guests arrive at this website, they will be instantly immersed into the wedding ideas.

When you travel down the page just a bit, you will see the story about how the couple met and you can browse other sections of the website from the gallery to the registry, festivities to take place, and more.

This type of a website will help keep your guests informed and the site itself looks amazing.


Wedding Website ExamplesAshley and Jeremy is another perfect wedding website that is truly breathtaking. When you arrive at the site, you are captured in a moment of love, as the soon to be bride and groom lie on the ground together looking into one another’s eyes.

The top of the website has the date of the wedding and guests can learn more about the couple from their story to the proposal and more. Towards the bottom of the site, guests can see the location of the wedding and even print out directions to ensure they arrive at the right venue.


Wedding Website ExamplesHelen and Josh Sitting in a Tree is a cute play on the traditional song “X and X sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g…” You know how it goes. The website includes the most important details of the wedding at the top of the tree and moves down branch by branch until the couple is married.

Guests are able to follow along on the interactive site and learn more about where the wedding is being held, the time, and more. Those who have a cute story such as Helen and Josh can use a website theme similar and even include the original song on their website as well.

If you are looking to create a beautiful wedding website for your upcoming big day, the above examples are perfect displays of what your site could look like. Just remember, have fun with your wedding website and do not be too serious with it. Oh, and don’t forget to include all of the details about the big day.

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