How to Start a Lifestyle Blog

For most, Lifestyle Blogs are the easiest and safest to start, as they typically revolve around, well, the lifestyle of the blogger at hand. What are Lifestyle Blogs exactly?

It’s really simple actually; Lifestyle blogs are built using content tailored around the everyday interest or hobbies of the blogger. They may have an interest in food or traveling or both, but what sets them apart is their life experiences or how certain events influenced them personally. Lifestyle blogs are full of personalized stories and life lessons.

A Lifestyle Blog in 3 Steps

Before you can just go Live with your ideal blog there are some steps you must take in order to set up your Blogging Platform.

create your own blog 1

1. Choose a Suitable Host

Hosts are providers who house your website online. A realy good and dependable webhost is required for a great blog. SiteGround Web hosting is known for their reliable service and great support. Popular blogs decide to go with SiteGround because a) it’s simple b) its economical c)it’s trustworthy!

SiteGround will allow you to register one domain name with the option of unlimited email subscribers and site contributors with their professional and business packages; however their basic plans comes with some restrictions. Since most use their lifestyle blogs for personal branding and marketing, most are satisfied with the starter package!

2. Install WordPress

Once you have chosen a suitable Host, you need a blogging platform. The choice is easy because WordPress is the most popular and best blogging platform. Follow this guide and proceed with installation and configuration of WordPress.

Checking your email and confirming Hosting options, head to your Host Admin Area and Install your Blogging Software; WordPress should be among them. You can install the software yourself and follow the instructions. Next, you will have to wait as the screen shows your installation progress. Once complete, it will provide you with four crucial pieces of information:

  • Site URL
  • Admin Log In Name
  • Admin Log Password

Be sure to copy and paste this information somewhere for easier access to your site in the future. You can now copy and paste your Admin URL into the Address bar to be redirected to the log in page where you will access your new blog!

3. Dress up Your New Lifestyle Blog

This is probably every bloggers favorite part as they begin to give their blog personality and some whip appeal to its layout. Making your blog look as beautiful and more so professional shouldn’t be that difficult at all if using WordPress. You can choose from the huge catalog of free themes [within your WordPress Settings > Appearance > Themes] or purchase your own and customize it to be one of a kind.  It can be hard to get things just right if you’re not into coding and all that behind the scenes tech know-how; luckily WordPress offers the ability to incorporate child themes for easier customization.

Quick Tips for Creating Your Ideal Lifestyle Blog

Now that you have set up your Blog and are ready to create content, here are a few tips and advice points for creating your ideal Lifestyle Blog.

  • Choose a Personal & Particular Theme: Everyone begins their blogs for different reasons and base their blogs themes and content around those derived reasoning’s. If you simply chose a lifestyle blog about cooking because you loved the spin on an Iron Chef episode- your blog won’t last long. However, if you love cooking as it could be a family tradition or some such story line- then, your born passion will shine through and your blog itself will thrive with natural content and relatability. Ask yourself this, even if you weren’t blogging about it, would you still enjoy this or do it on a daily basis?
  • Be particular about your Shares: Don’t feel pressured to put every moment of your life into a blog post. It’s ok to want some privacy and a little mystery when it comes to your Personal life and, honestly, readers don’t care to hear about how you woke and brushed your teeth before your Daily shift at work as a night club bouncer. Mostly, they want to hear the wild stories that occurred at your local night club and what work life is like for that bouncer. Keep the content relevant and regular [in terms of posting amount]. Point: Stick to your strengths when it comes to writing and publishing any content on your blog. You’re not obligate to disclose everything and readers aren’t entitled to know.
  • Permission Granted: Allow yourself to experiment and go off into the deep in with your blog sometimes. Whether it is theme development, blog identity, or the content itself- give yourself permission to have creative freedom as your blog develops a life of its own- and it will! Try switching up the type of posts incorporated: interviews, lists, questionnaires, guest posts- the list of content you could create goes on, but there are also variations in posts; such as Video clips, Audio blog post, and Image galleries. You don’t have to box yourself in with Text-type blog post!
  • Network and Build Relationships: No blog can survive without a decent following of loyal readers. While most popular blogs have been around for a while and have a large following- other newly developed blogs will have a harder time competing for the same loyal following early on. It takes time, regular communication and socializing among relevant blogs within your niche before you will see your loyal subjects return time and time again for your great advice and funny anecdotes.

Lastly, it’s your blog, do what you want. While this contradicts everything else- at the end of the day, as a lifestyle blogger, you have to be happy with the end results and how they reflect your ideal lifestyle blogs message.

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