How to get a free domain name for your website

Summary: there is no truly free domain name. However, you can get first domain free with some web hosting deals.

It is human nature that free things are always more appealing than things you pay for. At least until when reason kicks in. The same is true for domain names. The idea of getting a free domain name is very attractive. But is it truly worth it for you or your business? Does there even exist a genuinely free domain?

There is no truly free domain

Well, as hard as it may be to swallow, there is no thing as a truly free domain name. There is always a catch somewhere. It is just hidden away from the offer pages.

Every business in the market is out to make a profit. This is true for the domain registrar companies too. They will, therefore, work out ways of ensuring this at all costs. Competition among them makes making money tougher for them, and they, therefore, need more ingenious ways to remain ahead.

Let us look at the actual costs behind free or nearly free domain offers.

Free domain with every new hosting account

This is the most common offer. With a new signup,you get a free domain for one year. It is unlikely that you will get the offer for more than a year. This is pretty good for beginners who want to minimize costs when starting out. But the truth is, low cost or free domain names usually come with a high renewal fee. The only advantage of this is that you didn’t pay upfront.

Free .TK/ .ml/.ga/.cf/.gq domain

You can get a domain with those domain extensions for free. However note that those domain names are not with the coveted .com domain extension. Brandable businesses will be expected to have a .com domain name.
register .tk domain name

Free domain and hosting package

Some providers like will go the extra mile to offer you a domain name and hosting space too for nothing. Unfortunately, many people fall for this, and the number of subscribers is just astonishing. Problems will begin when you actually start building your website. You only have limited administrative privileges to your site. This means that you cannot do everything you want. As they cut corners to give you free service, the security, speed and their qualities of your website suffers.
000webhost hacked, 13 million customers exposed

So if you are building a serious website …

It is important to keep the following in mind

  • The domain is the unique identification for your website. You should therefore take time and choose it wisely. It is very hard to get a unique domain name. When you do, the least you can do is register it using a good registrar.
  • Own your domain by paying the fee. Do not run for free domains. It is better to own your own by paying for it. Remember, free is expensive, and you may come to pay for it dearly.
  • Keep your domain alive by constantly renewing it. Do not let your domain name expire and remain that way. Someone else may register it, and it will be gone for good.

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